Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Make Up Assignment-Student Campaigns

Analyzing some of the more eye-pleasing campaign ads for this year's student election, I felt this poster was classically mimicking the Shepard Fairey Obama campaign that is so iconic in our generations. Not only is this a smart idea connecting to our psychological preset of the icon. The 2-3 colors used follow a design principle that I learned about last semester in my Communication Design class. We had to make a poster using only 2-3 colors. We also learned about using color that is opposite of reality like having a purple sky for example. The simplicity and blend of the colors pop and are enticing. 

An even more simple design, I actually loved the typography, the spacing between the letters and sizing, how they are balanced and gradually decrease in size and value of content. The white lettering in contrast to her bright shirt work well together. Not much design principle in regards to photoshop like the other, however the design of the type is sufficient for the desired response. I love the background colors, I feel they all blend well together.

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